Committed to the animal cause, Julien Doré talks about his lifestyle which he shares with his two dogs

On TMC, the report “Animals and us: cow love” by Martin Weil was broadcast, and it addresses animal welfare in France. To defend this cause, Julien Doré made an appearance and revealed his daily life with his two dogs.

Journalist Martin Weil has released a new report on the animal cause and animal rights in France. Entitled “Animals and us: cow love”, this report questions the animal cause and questions numerous associations, as well as people who have strong relationships with their animals.

Julien Doré, committed to the animal cause
This is the case of singer Julien Doré, who participated in the report by revealing his daily life with his two dogs, Jean-Marc and Simone.

Committed to the animal cause, the singer stopped eating meat since 2013. Through his clips, he often tries to share his thoughts on the subject, even if he admits to having made some mistakes during his career, notably in the clip “Paris-Seychelles”, where he featured a lion cub coming from a breeding farm.

“This lion cub in the clip was to raise awareness of this endangered animal species. That’s what I want to show, but the way I did it, I said to myself: no, never again. This is particularly why today I decided to work only with animals in 2D and 3D,” explained the singer.

A love story between Julien Doré and his dogs
For several years, Julien Doré has lived in the countryside, in the Cévennes: the opportunity for him to recharge his batteries and find calm between two tours. In this quiet little corner, he lives with his two possessions, Swiss White Shepherds, whose names are Jean-Marc and Simone.

“At first I wanted to call them Simon and Garfunkel, but that quickly passed me by. I said to myself no, it’s good that they have human names. This is a pretty creepy anthropomorphism on my part, but at the same time, it stops there. Which is wrong, because they also have an Instagram,” the singer said.

The two dogs are fully integrated into Julien Doré’s life. In addition to being social media stars, they also sang backing vocals in the singer’s latest album.

“Having animals in your daily life heals a lot of things,” said Julien Doré.

In his little corner of nature, Julien Doré does everything to make his two companions feel good and as free as possible.

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