Glasha and Bony bears, rescued from a fair, will not be returned to their owners

Justice has delivered its verdict regarding the worrying cases of the Glasha and Bony fairground bears. The Orléans administrative court decided that the two ursids would not be returned to their owners, the Poliakovs.

In 2019, appalling videos showing bears in degrading conditions on social media stirred public opinion. Glasha, Bony and Micha were saved by the One Voice association.

Micha, in critical condition, died in the La Tanière shelter in Nogent-le-Phaye, near Chartre. As for Bony (20 years old) and Glasha (17 years old), the two females were able to be placed in a specialized establishment in order to receive care.

Since then, Bony has been transferred to the Arche refuge, in Mayenne, while Glasha, renamed Franca, was transported to the Alternative Wolf and Bear Park in the Black Forest, in Germany.

The showmen, the Poliakov family, had asked the court to get their bears back. But last week, the Orléans administrative court rejected their request.

Poliakovs can keep their remaining animals according to justice
Not only will the bears Bony and Franca not return to their former owners, but the Poliakovs can keep their training certificates.

A request from the animal protection association One Voice called for the withdrawal of the Poliakovs’ certificate but also the withdrawal of the remaining animals. According to One Voice, the magot monkey Mina, horses, donkeys and parrots suffer from their conditions as fairground animals. However, the judge ruled that veterinarians dispatched to the scene saw no signs of abuse or illness in the remaining animals.

However, the Loir-et-Cher prefecture suspended the authorization to reopen the Poliakov circus until June. In the meantime, a second case for acts of cruelty and mistreatment of the Poliakovs must be held in Blois on May 12.

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