Rhône: fifteen kids risk the slaughterhouse if they are not adopted before Easter

In the Rhône, an animal protection association is looking for families for fifteen kids before Easter. Beyond this date, animals risk being slaughtered.

Hurry up !

The Dignité Animale association, based in the Rhône, is desperately seeking to have fifteen kids adopted before April 4, 2021. If the animals do not find a new family, they risk ending up in the slaughterhouse.

Last week, the association launched a call for help on its Facebook page: “If we do not have adoption requests for these kids, they will be slaughtered for Easter,” we can read in the publication .

Since then, the mammals are still waiting to be adopted: “Unfortunately we lack adoption requests for males and it is very difficult to save them,” the organization said.

The kids come from several dairy farms in Lyon, where no male kids are kept. In fact, animals are sent to the slaughterhouse from a very young age: “I hope that we will be able to save them all but at the moment it is very complicated,” confided a member of the association.

“Kids are as gentle and kind as goats”
In order to reassure future adopters, Dignité Animale reminds that “castrated goats are as gentle and kind as goats, or even more so”. Furballs love cuddles and are very affectionate. And, contrary to popular belief, kids do not smell bad.

The association indicated on its Facebook post the conditions for adopting baby goats: a plot of land of at least 1000m2 per kid and a comfortable shelter with a door. Finally, the kids must be sterilized and bottle-fed until weaning.

Unsurprisingly, “they are not intended to be consumed.”

If you would like to offer them a gentle and loving home, you can contact the association on its Facebook page.

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