This couple’s marriage spanned 87 years. They set a world record for living together.

The story of Helen and Maurice Kay is truly exceptional and inspiring. Their 87-year marriage is a rare testament to longevity and marital bliss, defying modern statistics on the average length of marriages.

This English Jewish couple not only celebrated 87 years of marriage, but they also built a large and loving family over the years. Their two children, seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren are a source of pride and happiness for them.

The telling of their story highlights the strength of family ties and the ability of a marriage to withstand the tests of time. Even in the face of the challenges of World War II and family losses, Helen and Maurice continued to love each other and build a life together.

Maurice’s decision to retire for the second time after his stores were destroyed by German bombing also shows the resilience and adaptability of this couple. Their move to Bournemouth, England marked a new chapter in their lives, where they continued to share joys and trials.

The key to marital happiness, according to Morris, lies in harmony and mutual listening. His assertion that being in complete agreement with one’s spouse on all matters is essential for a happy life highlights the importance of communication and understanding in a lasting marriage.

The story of Helen and Maurice Kay reminds people that love and commitment can endure through the ages, and it offers inspiration for those who aspire to a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

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