Woman withdraws $20 from ATM, but soon after $400 is stolen

This story highlights a new strategy used by ATM scammers to steal money from customers. Here are some tips to avoid becoming a victim of these frauds:

Choose dispensers in safe areas: Use dispensers located in well-lit, busy areas. Avoid isolated dispensers, especially at night.

Be careful when entering the PIN: Hide the keypad while entering your PIN. Make sure no one is watching you during the transaction.

Check the dispenser: Before inserting your card, visually check the dispenser to make sure there are no suspicious items, such as card recording devices (skimmers) or glue in the slot from the menu.

Be aware of your surroundings: If anything seems unusual or suspicious, walk away from the dispenser and find another one. Be aware of people who might be watching you closely.

Put your money away immediately: As soon as you have made a withdrawal, immediately put the money and card in your wallet or bag. Be aware of your surroundings, especially if someone approaches you after the transaction.

Monitor your accounts: Check your bank statements regularly and report any suspicious movements to your bank immediately. The sooner you report fraud, the better chance you have of getting your money back.

Log out correctly: If you use a contactless feature to make a withdrawal, make sure you log out of your account correctly after the transaction. This can prevent fraudsters from continuing to make withdrawals using the same card.

Stay informed: Be aware of new methods used by scammers and banking security tips. Banks often publish information about recent scams to raise awareness among customers.

By following these tips and remaining vigilant, you can reduce your chances of falling victim to ATM fraud. If you have any doubts or notice suspicious activity, contact your bank immediately for assistance.

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