A mother manages to earn nearly 60,000 euros per year by working 2 days a week

Roma Norriss’ story illustrates how a person can capitalize on their skills and experience as a parent to offer valuable advice to other parents, while building a profitable business. Here are some key points to consider in this story:

Valued Parental Skills: Roma has recognized the value of her parental skills acquired over the years. Her in-depth knowledge of the toddler world, combined with her personal experience, has made her a valuable resource for other parents looking for advice.

Paid Consultations: The decision to charge for its consultations highlights the value that Roma brings to its clients. Many families, especially new parents, seek expert advice to overcome the challenges of raising children. The hourly rate of 330 euros reflects the demand and perceived value of its services.

Flexibility and Personal Success: The story highlights the possibility of professional success without necessarily having a traditional college degree. Roma says that competence and the ability to present oneself are essential, emphasizing the importance of practice and continuous learning in certain areas.

Work-Life Balance: By working only 6 hours per week, Roma manages to maintain a work-life balance. This flexibility is valuable to her, allowing her to continue being a devoted mother while working in a profession that brings her satisfaction and a respectable income.

Use of Online Platforms: Consultations are done remotely, through telephone calls or video conferences. This highlights the effective use of modern technologies, allowing Roma to reach a wider audience without the constraints of geography.

In summary, this story shows that it is possible to turn parenting skills into a successful, paying career. It also highlights the importance of practical experience and adaptability in the contemporary world of work. That everyone can leverage their unique skills to achieve success in their field.

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